Primary Badminton Team Championship 2018

06 November 2018

Ms Octavia Mantik

Primary Teacher


On Saturday, 20th October, badminton players, both boys and girls, from three schools: ACS Jakarta, JIS, and Bina Bangsa, had a chance to take part in ACS Jakarta Primary School Badminton Team Championship 2018.

ACS Jakarta Grade 6 boys’ team put on an excellent performance and managed to win the champion and runner-up position in this event. The Grade 5 Boys’ team also put in their hard work, which resulted in the champion and fourth-place position. We also commended the grit showed by our Grade 5-6 girls’ team which earned them the first and third-place position. The Grade 4 boys’ team also succeeded in winning the runner-up and third-place position. Some matches were tough, in which the players needed to do a rubber set. The games showed determination and commitment from the players who give their very best until the end.

It was delightful to celebrate the accomplishment of ACS Jakarta’s primary badminton players in this event. The effort and determination put in by our players and coaches have borne the fruits. Our gratitude must also go to coach Faris, coach Edo, coach Sigit and coach Dani for planning and coordinating the tournament. We would also like to thank all of the parents who came to support their sons and daughters and cheered on our teams.

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