Independence Day Celebration

28 August 2018

Ms Dian Rumanti

Primary Department

ACS Jakarta celebrated the 73rd Indonesian Independence Day on Monday, 20 August 2018. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 12, as well as teachers, non-teaching staff and a number of parents were standing in files to participate in the flag-raising ceremony in the Sports Hall.  

During this time, we also enjoyed performances by the dance and choir groups. The ceremony was then followed by the bicycle parade from all students in each level, teachers and staff, in the sports hall, organized by parents. After snack time, we had Independence Day games and activities in the playground area for all EC students and in the TSK Hall for all Primary students. They had their share of fun as they competed to be the fastest in various games, like passing the balls, eating pudding race, fanning-the balloon race, blowing ping pong ball race, oper beras race and sack race. 

We thank teachers and staff for all the support in the celebration and parents who arranged for the bicycle parade and activities, as well as come to support the celebration.

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