JSFL 2019 End-of Season Report

09 April 2019

Ms Darlyn Tadeo

Primary Teacher


A season of struggle and victory – this has been a season where the Tigers have survived and brought home memories that they will not forget. 

Our U12 ACS main team participated in the Jakarta Schools Football League (JSFL) from January,12 - 30 March.  Seven teams competed in  Division A. Although our team did not emerge as champions, they were victors in their own way.  As one ACS parent put it, “It doesn’t matter whether we win or lose.  Perseverance, commitment, and teamwork are more important.  These will definitely enrich their life experience!”

The players and parent supporters are happy because the children did not only develop social and football skills.  They also experienced the joy of winning and the confidence that goes with it, as well as the disappointment of defeat that toughens their character and spirit. 

A big thank you to our dedicated coaches: Coach Luis and Coach Andre.  Thanks to Mr. Nadzi and Ms. Melissa for coordinating all the fixtures.

During this season, we are certain that our young Tigers have developed the ability to move forward to the next challenge in a positive way.

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