Grade 5 Art Auction

20 April 2018

Ms Srina Shari

Level Head, Grade 5

Last quarter, Grade 5 students undertook an inter-disciplinary project which involved Art, English and Global Perspectives lessons. They delved into the theme of Ocean Trash and its implications on the marine environment. As its culminating activity, an art auction was held. It garnered 16.9million rupiah and the bulk of its proceeds will go to Rawinala, a special needs school visited last semester.

Apart from producing the artwork, students assisted the teachers as ushers, cameramen and handlers on the day of the auction. The ushers also handed out the booklets published. Adults and students had a good time and some commented how delighted they were to experience such an activity. Below are the thoughts from some of our current class captains and co-captains.

“The art auction is one of the very good ideas for humanity because it encourages us to participate in a charity programme where people can help each other to support the life of others. We know the price of art is high but life is priceless.” ~ Audreyna, 5T

“I felt happy, excited and proud during the art auction. This was because we have really worked hard on our masterpieces. I am also happy because 10% of the amount collected would be treats for us and the rest would be donated to Rawinala.” ~ Chiyo, 5T

“Grade 5 students made many cool artwork on Ocean Trash. When we first did the artwork, we talked a lot about what materials we should bring and how we were going to paint them. In my opinion, my class did their best. I know that there were some difficulties but I would like to tell you that my class was very cool and awesome about it. A few weeks later, our families came to buy our artwork. I was surprised that there were a few artwork that were bought for more than 1 million rupiah. I was quite happy because my mother bought my group’s artwork. I am most thankful to our teachers and other parents who came that day. Thank you for giving me such a happy time and thank you for buying our artwork.” ~ Yeon Hong, 5R

“During the art auction, I am reminded of what we human beings have done and I regret and felt very guilty of what I had done to this world. While we were making our projects, it made me see what our world in the future will become when we kill the animals in the sea. I think after we did this project, the Grade 5s will do some changes to save our world. I think it is great that we have done this to inspire others to reduce, reuse and recycle things that we can.” ~ Joanna, 5R

“I am glad about the last art auction. We gained more knowledge about Art and Ocean Trash. We are also satisfied with the artwork as we worked hard. We achieved our goal in the end.” ~ Abiyan, 5I

“I felt amazed during the art auction because every time the bidding price got higher, the crowd started to shout and cheer. Everyone had a wonderful time.” ~ Nixon, 5I

“I felt that the Art Auction we did was a great idea. Those who bought them should be really happy that they have a painting that was dedicated with a lot of hard work. They also now have more information on what is happening and they should be role models on how to control the ocean. I hope the world gets clean soon. Make The World Green!” ~ Sohaan, 5H

There was much excitement on the day and we hope our students have learnt that despite their young age and size, they can certainly make an impact and contribute positively to the world. We are proud of them and also acknowledge the time and effort made by teachers. Although the project focused on the three subjects mentioned above, many other teachers chipped in and gave much support to account for its success. We cannot ignore the support shown from the school and parents too. We thank parents for buying the 12 art pieces and the amount made will indeed be channeled to a good cause.

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